This topic is symptomatic of the entitlement mentality here. Coders don't owe you anything. Most downloaders don't go around rating plugins they don't use. If you leave a review or rating on a plugin, it's because you already took or benefited from their work first, not the other way around.
At the very least, Mike & Kier make things as developer-friendly as they can like allowing commercial add-ons, coming down on people that harass developers over pricing when they've actually contributed nothing to the developer after taking their work, and providing a clean, fun platform to code on.
A lot of the XF resource users have the same entitlement mentality but Mike & Kier aren't giving developers the finger, unlike IB and by extension, so I don't blame a lot of coders for moving over and not dealing with vB anymore.
You aren't a customer until you actually buy the commercial plugin from the developer. People parade around like they've already bought every plugin they make demands for and complain about on
In reality, barring /maybe/ DBTech, <1% of downloaders actually do. Where do I get these numbers? Experience & ask any developer here. Funnier, many who donate will rather donate what's convenient as an alibi instead of getting commercial plugins.
"Take your pennies, peasant"
In an almost surreal way, about half will get angry the moment you mention a commercial plugin, or even, god forbid, a copyright link, like you're their slave laborer and the master says you don't work for pay *whiplash*.
These same people complain about the 100 copyright links in the footer, and yeah I get that. Look at how bad it makes your footer look and take note of each link -- it's a lot, isn't it?
Now, excluding DBTech, recount how you actually didn't pay for any of those plugins. Someone spent hours of their time to make each one for you -- countless hours together. Now, think about all the tired faces of your slave laborers who work without pay.
That said, we have two conflicting viewpoints -- let's be objective. IB isn't going to suddenly change, and XF developers certainly aren't going to start coming back to vB. Time tells no lies.