Originally Posted by katie hunter
If you have a suggestion like this, why not raise it to VB.org staff for them to add a system like Xenforo with payment for plugins.
Xenforo just took advantage of a feature like this because they know many coders will love it. It is a smart move.
Couldn''t agree more with you on this one. It is indeed a very smart move. Unfortunately vb wants to eat everything itself, metaphorically speaking of course. They say something along the lines of we don''t want our customers to pay for mods. Because like that vb becomes more appealing to the current and potential customers.
And they are right. I have seen ex vb-ers when they convert to Ipb or xenforo complain and moan when they see paid add ons and say, why we have to pay for this add on when in vb was for free etc etc.
That is nice for vb but for me not so. I can''t speak for other coders, but why should I waste my time coding mods here so others can download them for free and sing praise to vb how good they are for having free mods etc etc. When I can sell my work elsewhere and make some very much needed money in these hard economic times?
Not to mention the other points put so well above by nhawk.