Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
The statement "we have lives" means that because we have released a mod on here for free for your use it doesn't mean that we are at your beck and call if anything goes wrong, we give support as and when we can, i personally support all my mods all the time but i understand lifes pressures...etc that can cause some coders not to.
As it's free there aren't any warranties...etc so, paying for it is how you get those assurities 
Thats dependant on whether the mod is in your interest to post it here. Most are carrying lite versions these days which lead on to your were you have to be at the beck and call of everyone. And then suddenly the "The Statement" is never stated..
Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
As I recall, there's a guideline somewhere around here that says you use third-party modifications at your own risk. That's not an excuse. That's a fact. No one is obliged to give things away for free in perpetuity. And no one should be hinging anything crucial on a free add-on. Even a paid add-on can go *poof* in the middle of the night.
Sorry I've lost you on that statement.So why are we posting here at vborg? In fact what was vborg created for?
Originally Posted by nhawk
Something you need to keep in mind about DBTech is that it isn't one person. DBTech is a company with quite a few coders working for them.
So if you have 10 coders focusing on products that only they work on, it is a lot easier for them to update/produce products than it is for a single coder.
I have released add-ons for vB5, but due to the vB5 code being in constant flux I've had to step back and wait for it to stabilize before I do any more updates to those mods. With over 40 publicly available add-ons and God knows how many custom/private mods to support I can't be doing updates to vB5 add-ons on almost a weekly basis.
Combine that with what seems to be an en-mass move of many of my clients to another forum system with the expectation of my mods to follow them and time becomes a very precious commodity. In this case vB5 takes a back seat to vB4 and other more stabile software.
I totally agree with you.Thats why I stated:
Why vborg is showing to support it must simply because of monetary value or back handers from the likes of established syndicate coders.
I don't doubt your integrity to vb4,but as you have said vb5 takes a back seat.So we then go back to what I said.
As I said vb5 will see the money coders