I' am using the postbit layout w/vBulletin 4.2.1.
Problem: The reputation images align to the left, under the user's info and there's no break between pips and stars.
I' am wanting the images to align on the right side under the user's point tallies:
Reputation: 50000
Stars Stars Stars Stars
GreenBars LightGreenBars GoldBars
When the divide does occur between the stars and pips it looks something like this:
Stars Stars Stars GreenBars
Greenbars LightGreenbars Goldbars/pips
I copied and pasted the default script's reputation code (from the left onto the right bottom of user info column) after the rep points code, but the alignment is off and the images will not go break after the stars.
I really love this modification so any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.