Originally Posted by ForceHSS
you need to add the fix to your php.ini file
Hmmm. OK thanks for the tip, I went to make the change in my php.ini through my cpanel
I followed what Hostgator has set for instructions.
Making Changes via cPanel's php.ini QuickConfig
You can also make changes to php.ini via the "php.ini QuickConfig" utility in the "Software/Services" section of your cPanel.
Login to cPanel.
Click on php.ini QuickConfig in the "Software/Services" section.
Enable QuickConfig if not already enabled.
Change the settings that you want to change.
Click the Save Changes button to save your changes.
I do not see where to make the change.
I'm sort of stumped.
I do have a ticket in asking them what the issue is, but am trying to learn/figure things out for myself.
I tried all the things in this thread, and none of them have made any diff. I went with what Paul said about my timezone not being changed.
Still waiting to hear back from hostgator.
Thanks tho.