Originally Posted by oldengine
I've been a vBulletin owner/admin since 2004.
My current vBulletin stats are Threads: 116,039, Posts: 924,708, Members: 65,814
I am running: vBulletin 3.8.7 Patch Level 3
Now that vBulletin has fractured into three different followings, 3,4 and 5, what the hell do I do? Has anyone made sense of this random senseless drift in a marketing scheme? I have purchased ALL upgrades to vBulletin so that's not the problem. Which one is working at the top shelf quality that used to be vBulletin? Where do I go from here? My long term philosophy has been, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Looking for "compelling" reasons to upgrade? Take vBulletin.org for instance - Still running vB 3.7.x --- As are a myriad of other IB-owned forums, the majority (if not all) of them are running vB 3. See the IB Automotive properties at
http://www.internetbrands.com/our-brands/automotive/ as an example.
If IB itself is refusing to upgrade their online properties to any of the 'latest greatest' versions of vBulletin (vB4-vB5) -- Why should you?
You likely shouldn't