Originally Posted by desmomax
nice it works!
i see the banner is changing just after a refresh of the page and not rotating it, is it normale?
i put the code in my header but i can see the banner only inside forum and topic display and not, for example, in my homepage or other pages. Is it possible to set up to see in all pages or most of them?
many thanks
The "rotating" is doing what it was programmed to do - rotate through the ads you have under the same Position # on each refresh of the page. It does NOT rotate after a certain time limit. Rotating after a certain amount of time is against the rules for almost anyone who publishes ads and will get you blocked / banned / dropped from their advertising programs.
Depending on where you put the code will depend on where it shows up. If you put it in the Advertising - Manage Ads - Header location it will show on all pages.