I concur ^
Here's my thoughts:
I recently ran into a woman running a fully patched 3.8 site, she had spent money and members even donated to have quite a few (fabulous mind you I simply adored them honestly) styles made for the forum, for all the different seasons too! It was a treat to login and see

. She said that, she contacted a few coders etc and one even went so far as to tell her that they could not work on her site unless she upgraded to 4.x which I found too cute simply put.
^ That is not the case at all, her forum was just fine as I told her and upgrading including the custom styles would cost well more then she intended to spend, if it ain't broke don't fix it as the saying goes, why spend more money? Not everyone has a huge budget for their forum while others do, some are simple hobby sites some major sites related to a business or other. Now does this mean 4.x is better? No in fact I think 3.x and 4.x are very comparable, 5.x is just not up to par (personal opinion and where's the cms and other features, lack of modifications on here to boot as well but again as I've said before in other posts it's getting better over time, I can clearly see that).
What I'm trying to convey is this:
- If you have a nice 3.x site, it's 3.8.x fully patched and it works fine then no need to upgrade to 4 or 5. If you have a nice 4.x site, it's fully updated and patched no need to upgrade to 5.
- If you're new to vBulletin then I personally recommend starting with 4.x, either 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 (requires php 5.4) and you can always upgrade to 5.x at a later time when it improves just like many did with going from 3.x to 4.x long ago. I say this because 4.x has been in a good spot for quite a while, many mods on here for it and also easy enough to find solutions online considering the amount of support given to date.
If you have doubts, check out vbulletin.com it is running 5.x, see if you like how the site looks and feels but remember styles can be changed/added make sure it feels right is what I would do while browsing/interacting with the site.
Just my 2 cents, if you don't want to keep my pennies find a wishing well and be sure it's a good wish before you toss them in
