Some are riding pretty high horses, here. It is all fine and dandy that you have lots of experience and know how to evaluate software and know all the admin forums where you can get independent opinions.
Guess what? Many of IB's potential customers are not. They see all the crap about market leader and worlds leading community software, with hundreds of new features promised. They may even surf around and find many big forums running vB. That may be vB4 or even vB3, but they see: Hey, that has to be reliable software. Then they may even surf the vbulletin website. But guess what? All the critical feedback is hidden away from them. They may even know that bugs are quite normal in software, but they are probably not used to being sold crap in a state that vB5 was in (and in many ways still is).
Are they to blame in part for not researching even more? Maybe. But what is sure as hell is that IB has sold half baked software not once, but twice. I really don't get how you guys really can be of the opinion that this mess is in the first place the fault of the customer. Said customer has every right to state his opinion, and if they want to do so in a place where it is not hidden away from potential new customers, then this is more than understandable. If that is more than you can bear, I suggest you just skip such threads (given the title of this thread pretty much gives away its content, doesn't it?)