Originally Posted by Gadget_Guy
Just something I noticed,
When importing updated definitions, the wording may want to be addressed (or maybe the function).
It had me scratching my head a bit and thought maybe others might be confused as well.
When importing a new definition file (like you posted today) (2013-10-24-Updates.xml) you get warnings as per the screenshot.
Now.... my questions are:
1) Will that warning only come up when the definition is the exact same or what happens if you want the definition to update because of a change in code?
2) before checking the box "import" do I need to delete the definition first from the list of installed definitions to prevent an error like it says?
Would it make sense to add another column next to "IMPORT" called "UPDATE" if you want the old definition to be over-written by a new definition?
Just some food for thought on a Thursday...
Yes, the AME keys were introduced in 2.5 because in the early days of AME, people repeatedly forgot to delete their default YouTube def once they imported a custom one. Then they'd report duplicate video and truncated code in posts. So with unique keys, if you get duplicate keys during import, that means there's already a definition in your set with that same key. The red marked ones won't import until you delete the one with the matching key first, since the import process is only capable of creating new entries.
I thought about changing the import process, if technically possible, to allow for an overwrite. What concerns me is if overwriting robs you of the chance to make a backup, if you can't quite remember in the Import screen if a particular def has been locally customised. Of if you're importing a custom def from some other source where the key set is the same as something you don't want overwritten. (Since the key designation is arbitrary. You call it whatever you want.)