all kidding aside, i cant see why vbulletin cannot add a shlt load of new features to 3.8. vb3.8 clearly is the best boards out of 3, 4 and 5. vb3 ruled the net back in the days. even looking at big-boards, those massive ass boards out there are all still running vb3.
you cant tell me vbulletin cant turn vb3 into something more awesome. ive changed to IP.Boards and clearly they are the rulers of the net today. but in the back of my mind, im always thinking while using IP.Boards, vbulletin can add most features to vb3 similar to IP.Boards.
oldengine, im pretty sure 70% of vb3 users have been in your boat, what to do, where to go, i feel lost...all because some big head thought they could make vbulletin better, or try and make money, god knows what goes on in that place and in ther minds.
i must say, it was really hard for me to leave vbulletin. for vbulletin 3 freaks like me, its like giving up smoking or drinking or some shlt. but i took the leap to IP.Boards because they rule with their convertors, like holly crap. you can make it look like vbulletin and give it the feel vb3 has but with all the extras. the extras vbulletin can still add to vb3 and most likely get half their customers back. after vb4 was released, IP.Boards was flooded with new members converting. it died down there for a little bit, but then vb5 was released, look out Invisionpower, you have more customers!
dont some vbulletin stuff go to bed at night and think, "holly crap, what have we done to vbulletin". vb3 awesome, vb4 SMF clone but worse...umm...vb5, its like if vb5 was actually a piece of software that you could hold in your hand, im thinking someone through it under a train and uploaded it to the net.
if you ask me, vb3 most likely could get hacked at anytime, depends on if the hackers feel like attacking your site, vb4 the same. vb5 could turn into something in like 10 years if they still exist.
no offense against those that put all the time and effort into creating vb3 and the support was good. really going to miss the old days with vb3. the last email i got vb3 was not even mentioned, so im guessing its all over for what was once the best boards ever.
ah, good the see still running vb3, once it upgrades, im out of here.
oldengine, good luck with the choice you make, either stay with vb3 or move