Originally Posted by Gadget_Guy
You are the best!
Nice work!
Importing now.
(Remember my httpS issue... anything I should do after importing?)
I don't
think there will be an issue with JavaScript widgets, but possibly with eBay since it embeds using <object> code. If they do provide secure URLs, you could see if adding in the "s" to the src="" urls (there should be two), helps out. This, of course, will only work if they provide secure URLs.
Originally Posted by Gadget_Guy
Some Feedback:
Internal Linking - When I test this... it processes for a LONG time.
I just ended up disabling this
Yeah, I think there's some kind of "feedback" issue there with the extraction process. Which is why I say to use at your discretion. I ended up just using the User Profile one, myself.
Also... ebay.ca does not work.
That was an oversight on my part. Overwrote a dev version of the definition. Give me just a few to push out an update, as well as one to Google+. I just noticed an issue there.