In number of thanks box (below the post), if a username contains a space character, it produces a line break.
How can we prevent that?
Currently, this is how it behaves...
username1, username1, username1, username1, username1, user
name2, username1, username1, user
name2, username1, username1, username1, user
name2, username1
We want it to behave like this...
username1, username1, user name2, username1, username1, user name2,
username1, user name2, username1, user name2, user name2, username1,
username1, user name2, username1
username1 ~ sample username with no space in it.
user name2 ~ sample username with space in it.
One more thing, is it possible to have a confirmation feature when clicking the Remove All button to prevent accidental clicking since removing all thanks of a post cannot be undone.