Im a newbie to VB and just set it up. When you go to my index.php, instead, it gives a url like this.... c09d32cf0b059e3628053cdbb6b7d092&forumid=2 ( I had to add a space between the = and the c in order for it to show up correctly in this post for you guys/gals to see what I mean).
WTF did all these numbers come from? I got rid of them on the main forum index page, but dont know how to get rid of them in the individual forum links.
Actually, Im not even sure if what I did to get rid of them on the main forums index page is the correct way. This is what I did....
I modified my style in the admin page, and in the header box, noticed it had code such as this:
<td valign="top" align="left" background=""><a href="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]"><img src="" border="0" alt="$bbtitle"></a></td>
I got rid of the $session[sessionhash] in the code in the entire header box. My code now looks like this:
<td valign="top" align="left" background=""><a href="index.php?s="><img src="" border="0" alt="$bbtitle"></a></td>
This fixed the problem for my main forums index, the calendar, and the other pages linked to from the "button bar" at the top right.
How can I get rid of those silly numbers from the urls of all the rest of my forums, etc.??
Sorry if Im rambling, but Im a newbie, and want to make sure I try to explain everything necessary to get a good response.
Thanks in advance to all who reply.
Fred Bingham