Originally Posted by ForceHSS
Why not make a new group with the settings you want and when they get x amount of infractions then they are auto moved to the group
This is how the built in system works, and as i said, we have tried it, and its not for us. I don?t like members accumulating points that all of a sudden, and for no obvious reason, sends them to coventry. its tricky to control, and on a big board, it?s not possible to keep track of that, theres just to much going on.
I want the crew to be able to give a direct warning, that the user can confirm immediately, and thats that.
Originally Posted by ozzy47
From what I see, he just wants the user restricted until they click a link in the PM, kinda like when you get a email to confirm your email addy.
Yes, this is it, exactly like that. Preferably with some kind of logg feature, but that is not neccesary.