Originally Posted by zingy
hey, i recently installed this and it works. The only thing that doesn't work is users aren't leveling up, it stays at one. I looked for answers in the thread and found to install a level product. I did that, but it still doesnt work. Im currently on vb 4.2.0 patch level 4
The zip/rar file you download contains the level files you need to import using 'Import another level product' under the 'experience' tab in the AdminCP. Seeing you've already done so, you need to re-count everything using the recount option also under the experience tab. From there, update the 'experience points' and it should calculate the points per profile. Do know that the levels should being updated about hourly? (I believe) Seeing it's a cron job. Check the 'Scheduled Tasks manager' under 'Scheduled Tasks' to search the experience cron jobs and run them manually to see if there's any changes.