For whatever reason, and I can't tell you why (though probably forgetfulness) I went with
mysql_escap_string() and, naturally, ran into errors with users running, I'm assuming, vB 3 on PHP 5.5.
mysql_escape_string() is deprecated at this point.
I'm switching to
addcslashes($LikeIWasToldToo) and ran into discussions on
PDO::quote(). While people are saying it's not a replacement for
mysql_escape_string(), the manual is saying you should use it instead. I'm wondering if it's applicable or beneficial here.
In any event, this is what I'm going with:
PHP Code:
$find = '</head>';
$optioncode = $vbulletin->options['automediaembed_extras_head'];
$replace = addcslashes($optioncode, '$"');
$vbulletin->templatecache['SHOWTHREAD'] = str_replace($find, $replace . $find, $vbulletin->templatecache['SHOWTHREAD']);
I take it, I shouldn't run into PHP version issues with this?