First of all, can't thank you enough for this awesome mod. I've been trying to find something like this for a while in order to begin building a community site I had in mind.
Anyway, I recently installed it and since my site is more focused on beer, I made a few changes to the original files to make it more in line with reviewing beers. As you can't actually buy beer from breweries, I had to make some slight changes in regards to the default options and such. I'm also looking into changing the rating system a bit so it incorporates a .25 rating system rather than by whole digits from 1 - 5.
I know that this mod is part of a larger project with, however, as my site doesn't truly focus on the purchase of products, I can't really use the 'list' feature. I think this is my biggest request. I'd love a way to figure out how to make internal 'Wants' and 'Gots' lists. This way, users can look at beers listed on the site and check off the beers they have in house and also the ones they'd love to have. Perhaps even incorporating this into the user profile so others can see their wants and gots.
Also, the other thing that I have yet to see that builds off the lists is a matching feature. I don't have the know how to figure out how to match users by their wants and gots.
Those would be my two biggest requests. Are you planning anything like this in the future? Also, is there another way for me to support your development as integrating with doesn't make suense based on my product base?