Yesterday, we upgraded from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 - we did this after extensive testing in a separate environment, to get all of our other plugins playing nice. The upgrade went smoothly, and we love the new version! Much faster on PHP 5.4, so we're really happy about that.
One quick thing I wanted to share, unrelated to plugins. Click the "Advanced Search" button on your site. ( Do you have errors at the top of the page?
I did, and it frustrated me because we had carefully followed all upgrade steps. It persisted, even with hooks off.
The solution? See below:
1. - edit the files "socialgroupmessage.php" and "socialgroupdiscussion.php" found in "packages/vbforum/item/"
2. - The original function reads:
protected function getLoadQuery($required_query, $force_rebuild = false)
3. - Change the function to this:
protected function getLoadQuery($required_query = self::QUERY_BASIC, $force_rebuild = false)
I personally much prefer this method, since I don't think turning off error messages is a very good way of dealing with errors. Just wanted to share, in case anyone saw the same issue!