I've activated it in 4.2.2 - though my test listing is the only one there right now.
Panjo asked for my email address when I first went to list an item (it didn't when I started to list a second item) and has a note saying it will only be used to notify you of activity on your listing, and will not be sold. It didn't ask for other info - address or anything - though it asked for a shipping country. So all it's got is an email addy and a description of an item, which seems fairly OK to me. If they start directly emailing my members other than that, I'll be surprised (and very pissed!)
(Oh, it asked for my PayPal account, too).
Not much else to report. Most folks selling stuff on my site simply link to eBay auctions, so I don't know if it'll get used.
One thing I don't like about it is that the page title is "Panjo Marketplace", not your own site's.