Originally Posted by eboggs_jkvl
Well, sir, my grain of salt was a site down with no clue why. I've done every update faithfully upon it's release and have not had any issues other than 1 previous problem of "uploading attachments" which proved to be some setting that the ISP needed to make. I accepted that issue as it took a few hours and they located the problem easily through error messages. HOWEVER, the site was functioning perfectly and the one problem they were chasing could "wait" and a later fix was acceptable.
This time, my site was giving a full screen of scrolling warnings and then the forum displayed. The error messages were not coming ICW the upload problem and the ISP was spinning their wheels trying to figure out the issue. Without answers or clues, I saw no reason to stay on 4.2.2 and weather the storm hoping for a cure. Yes, being limited on my coder knowledge, I un-updated back to 4.2.1 as that one worked and currently IS working.
I lost a program called VB Garage Pro and the forum I run is Jaxvette.com. Missing the car information from a car site is not an option. Was it vBulletin's fault? Probably not as it was an added program so I'll try and deal with that issue with the other vendor. That was my "modification" conflict and was trouble shot quickly so that really wasn't the issue as that didn't hamper my board's function. I'm still working with that vendor.
So, in conclusion, the forum once again lost the ability to upload attachments. Why? I still haven't gotten an answer for that. It may be on here by now but I haven't scoured the site today to dig out the answer. My patience was a full day of "try this" to see if it fixes it. Well we got the warnings cleared but the upload and garage were still messed up and no prospects of them ever getting corrected.
I'm not mad about this, I'm disappointed. I now have to read the forum and google the world on every update to see what issues are presented. Then, and only then, I can do the update with all of the OMGs on file so I can keep my site up.
True, I'm not a coder, but I am an end user. Without end users, companies fail in a Capitalistic society.
Elmer Boggs
Nope, no clue yet as to why the upload attachments is failing on 4.2.2. Bear in mind that I'm not the one person in the whole world with this issue. The last time I think it was a "Post bit" issue but nothing so far on the current issue.
My coding knowledge is limited, as well. I have no education in the field. Almost everything I know is directly related to my time spent using this software, and on this board specifically. As such, I would never tell anyone not to upgrade, just because
I couldn't get something to work. And certainly, not because the solution wasn't sorted out in a day. Boards are work. Boards are complex. Sometimes your lack of knowledge on something means you won't sort a problem out today, this month, this year. It's the nature of the beast. My post said to take complaints with a grain of salt, because a person's decision to upgrade should be based on the
all available information. I don't think people, especially people who are in the midst of a problem, should be telling anyone with vehemence not to upgrade. That's why comment said what it said, and what I was specifically addressing.