This will be my last release here as OldSchoolDSL. Even as I type this, the licenses associated with this account is pending transfer (I gave it away for free & I believe they sold it).
I still recall the original vBulletin 1.0 and even the short lived vBulletin Lite (yes, there use to be a free version, didn't you know). I remember all the little debates I had with some of you & even the friendly chats. A few of you are no longer with us (some moved on, some passed away).
I wish those of you who will be staying all the very best. And I want to thank the staff here who some of you started our as voluntary, but later became employed; all the very best as well. I hope the work you continue to do here is appreciated. I appreciated it.
I also want to wish all the developers who remain the best of luck. None of you ever truly get the credit you deserve for all the effort and hard work you place into your free creativity. Some of you I would say even deserve a good paycheck from IB for the effort and work you have contributed (doubt they'll ever recognize that, but know that I and others did).
Thanks for the laughs, the good times, the lessons, the debates, and the warm wishes I received.
I regret nothing.
Best wishes and all the best of luck,
Adam Howard