Originally Posted by katie hunter
Hi Squidskster =) do you know how can i apply a url redirect with vbseo ? so my url is /awards/ instead of awards.php
It is usually like this:
ex for calender ==> //'calendar/\?(.+)' => 'calendar.php?$1'
Since I don't use vbseo, its hard to say, but my guess would to copy an existing entry, such as the calendar one you've provided and rename the appropriate parts
Originally Posted by TRG
Any Idea or thoughts on a version of this for VB5*?
Not anytime soon, I have a lot on my plate and even the changes/improvements/additions I want to make to the vb4 version are not yet complete.
Originally Posted by PAPPACLART
does this work fine for VB4.2.1
Yes, with the exception of the fact that you will have to manually add an item to the navigation manager.