Originally posted by AnaSci
Log... does not work bro.... they can still see the forum but get this message when clicked on it
i honestly think some sort of hack is needed to accomplish hiding select forums
Did I get you right: You need a Mod forum and you want ALL your users see the forum itself but not the messages in it. So forum is visible but messages are invisible to everybody but mods.
And you have a Admin forum which both forum and messages will be invisible to everybody but admin/mods.
If this is the case, then:
CP vb options, be sure you have set these:
Hide private forum: YES
Enable Access Masks?: YES
Then Forums & Moderators/Moderate
Your Mods Forum:
Private forum : NO
Act as forum? YES
Is active? YES
Open for new posts? YES
Your Admin Forum
Private forum : YES
Act as forum? YES
Is active? YES
Open for new posts? YES
Forums & Moderators/Permissions:
Your Mods Forum:
For ALL usergroups that will see the forum but not messages:
Choose "Use custom settings:"
Can view forum YES
NO to rest of them
For ALL usergroups that will see the forum AND the messages:
Choose "Use custom settings:"
SET Can view forum, can search, Can post new threads, Can reply to own threads, Can reply to other's threads, Can view others' threads,Can edit own posts to YES.
It works without a hack.. I know, because I exactly have the same system in my board