Originally Posted by jl255
cool tips. i've disabled who's online for guests now.
You have not. You have only removed the link to online.php from the main page. Disable permission to view online.php in usergroup permissions if you really want it gone to visitors and guests.
http://forums.sgclub.com/online.php <--- Anyone going here can still get the who's online page load.
I note SIGNIFICANT improvement in both number of visitors and also page load speed!
But you still have many problems:
First byte time is still terrible - this is your host. You're still loading a huge number of requests (277, that's you.)
I agree with Simon, you should dump the advanced stats for visitors. But if you keep it, make it only five instead of 12. Also you should restore the "What's going on" on main page, this tells legitimate humans you have a busy site and encourages more registrations.