Originally Posted by jl255
perhaps, but they have been pretty knowledgable in the past 5yrs i've been with them.
But, their first and only instinct is to blame, you. And that's their default answer. And I'm yet to find even one of them who understands vBulletin. His answer to you is a crock of crap, to put it bluntly..
what is a good session timeout setting??
mine is currently set at 7200
That's TWO HOURS! I use 15 minutes, 900 seconds.
BUT - see, if your host is right and the connections aren't visitors, but some unknown mystery glitch making vB itself duplicate connections, it wouldn't matter what your session time is.
Plus, this setting doesn't affect visitors, only users logged in. Your problem is with visitors.
I note in passing, you're now suddenly looking much better with:
Currently Active Users: 5194 (23 members and 5171 guests)
Looks like the "Ban Spiders by User Agent" mod is helping alot with the mystery, nonexistent "internal" connections.