Originally Posted by katie hunter
There is one feature that is needed, i hope it gets implemented. For sites which has many awards per category, we'd need to have the categories displayed in a drop down menu.
Having a very long 1 page with all categories and awards is really really bad. It would be nice to display awards per category. Visually too it is more organized and better.
It just isn't feasible, since there's no requirements that every category has to have X awards making pages look lopsided or having categories spread over pages.
Originally Posted by katie hunter
Hey squidsk, why is there 3 files? what are these files used for?
Default CSS Data.txt
Where do you upload the default css data? I presume this is for the style of the award in potbit_legacy?
The first is an old version of the default css, that would have been used to reset the css if you screwed it up. It's outdated right now so not helpful. The automation is an addon for the mod that grants awards to users based on certain criteria like post count, time as a member, etc.