Optional :
If you want the users to add " the name of the music file " (like the screen shot bellow) :
Attachment 146473
First step (#1) :
Go to :
Admincp / User Profile Fields / Add New User Profile Field
Then Select : Profile Field Type :
Single-Line Text Box
then fill it like the next screen shot :
Attachment 146472
At last ,
(instead of the original code on first post, use the code bellow ) :
3. Admin Control Panel :
Style Manager=>Your Template=>MemberInfo Templates=>
Find :
<div class="mini_stats blockbody userprof_content userprof_content_border">
Before that , add :
<!-- Golzarion profile Music player Start -->
<div class="underblock"></div>
<div class="block mainblock">
<div id="userinfoblock" class="floatcontainer">
<div class="blocksubhead" colspan="5">Golzarion mp3 Player</div>
<div class="blockbody userprof_content userprof_content_border">
<div class="blockrow member_blockrow">
<audio preload="none" controls="controls" id="mp3player" style="width: 200px;display: block" >
<!--<source src="myVideo.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> -->
<source src="mp3/{vb:raw userinfo.userid}.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
<vb:if condition="$userinfo['fieldX']">
<b> Music Name :</b> {vb:raw userinfo.fieldX}
<div class="underblock"></div><br/>
<!-- Golzarion profile Music player End -->
Replace both bold red
X with field number you have created in
first step (#1).
and save the changes.
Note : Users can add the name of the music file in their User CP (settings) => Edit profile
w w w.yoursite.com/profile.php?do=editprofile