In the last week we were still on 4.1.x and a hacker demolished our vB software; however, he did not touch the Database. Thank God
This hacker was:
Greeting From BangoBnG
this website has been Hacked have fun,
Egypt -
-SeiF 2007-2013
What is your experience with botnets:I am Trying To MAke DDos form BOts
What bots have you used before:vertexnet,zuse,Obtima
How often are you active:I am online evry day for 16 Hours
Are you willing to learn:yes
Do you have a little money to use:no :'(
All of your contact:
My Skype: Seifskp
Now we are on 4.2.1 and today someone was trying to get us but we caught them in time:
I have done a great deal of reading here and IMO opinion too much effort is being put into identify that you have been hacked and how to try to fix it; should we just eliminate their ability to get in our systems, and shouldn't this be the job of vB? Not the customers; and not the customers paying third parties? This is very depressing to say the least.