Originally Posted by Nelson58
(2) The files appear in seemingly random order. I now know that they are not in the order that the files were added. Because some of the missing Clausing manuals are now on the first page. So I'm clueless as to what the sorting function is. But they should be sorted in some variant of alpha-numeric order as the old system was. So that if someone (like me) takes the time to go through and rationalize the titles, finding the manual on a specific machine (or confirming that it is not present) is simple and straightforward. Further, the entry titles should not necessarily be the actual file names. To do so eliminates use of most punctuation symbols, which can be quite useful in titles. The same statements generally apply to the Folder and Sub-folder names. They should sort alpha-numerically.
The sorting problem was something I brought up as an issue months ago. I have the pro version and they immediately worked with me to add a better sorting function. The pro version I know now has numerical/alphabetical sorting of uploads. Not sure if/when this will be added to the lite version but if you want the option right now the Pro version does have it.
As for the naming of files currently you still need to rename the files to something as descriptive as possible no option for "File Titles" at this time.
For the folder/subfolders these are sorted through the admin settings under "Category Management" just like you would sort your vB forums. Which is much better than being forced to sort alphabetically - you have full control of the exact order this way.