I bought the Pro Version because Jelle no longer supports or updates his version, which was quite good. The staff had some suggestions for upgrades, which I will pass on here:
(1)Thumbnails are alocated space down the left edge of the files listing screens. There are none, so a forest of place holders greets the viewer of any folder. Also, if there is any way in which to add a thumbnail photo I haven't been able to locate it. But in any case, I see no benefit to photos of what are mostly manuals and charts. One might argue that a photograph of the machine that the manual covers might be useful but (a) someone with a scanned manual to upload isn't likely to have a decent photograph of the equipment that the manual covers. And (b) the image will be so small that at best one might be able to tell whether the image is of some sort of lathe or of some sort of mill, etc. So delete the thumbnails. It will save a lot of white space and reduce search time.
(2) The files appear in seemingly random order. I now know that they are not in the order that the files were added. Because some of the missing Clausing manuals are now on the first page. So I'm clueless as to what the sorting function is. But they should be sorted in some variant of alpha-numeric order as the old system was. So that if someone (like me) takes the time to go through and rationalize the titles, finding the manual on a specific machine (or confirming that it is not present) is simple and straightforward. Further, the entry titles should not necessarily be the actual file names. To do so eliminates use of most punctuation symbols, which can be quite useful in titles. The same statements generally apply to the Folder and Sub-folder names. They should sort alpha-numerically.