Originally Posted by ozzy47
The stuff they added is a completely different system than it was before. If you want to try it yourself, I would suggest comparing all the code under the group Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates in a unmodified default style to the code in your custom style. Copy the code from the unmodified default style to the custom style. This may not always work though, depending on how heavily the custom style is coded.
If not then you have to go through it line by line, changing what needs to be changed.
I guess I'm a bit confused. I'm not sure if you are telling me I can't find this element or I can. I just want to replace the "left" and "top" definition to get the sub menu looking like it was.
.navtabs ul {
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
border-top: 0 solid #5A7F97;
direction: ltr;
left: -18px;
margin-right: -80px;
position: absolute;
top: 33px;
width: 100%;