Ok, I feel like I'm so close, but missing something. Here is my new extension class file so far. I simplified it just to get it to work at all:
PHP Code:
class wpHeaderFooter_Api_Options extends vB_Api_Extensions
public $product = 'wpheaderfooter';
public $version = '1.0.0';
public $developer = 'me';
public $title = 'WordPress Integration Extension';
public $minver = '5.0.4';
public $maxver = '5.0.4';
public $infourl = '';
public $checkurl = '';
public $AutoInstall = 1;
public $extensionOrder = 10;
public function wpHeader(){
//define('ROOT_DIR',str_replace('\\\\', '/', realpath(dirname(__FILE__))).'/'); #Get real path for root dir ---linux and windows
//require_once(ROOT_DIR.'../beta/wp-blog-header.php'); // get WordPress
//return get_header();
return "<h1>My Custom Header</h1>";
public function wpFooter(){
//define('ROOT_DIR',str_replace('\\\\', '/', realpath(dirname(__FILE__))).'/'); #Get real path for root dir ---linux and windows
//require_once(ROOT_DIR.'../beta/wp-blog-header.php'); // get WordPress
return "<h1>My Custom Footer</h1>";
And here is my new template markup (using the header template), which I inserted around line 114 (shortly after the <body> opening tag):
{vb:data wphead, wpHeaderFooter_Api_Options, wpHeader}
{vb:raw wphead}
Also, you mentioned I need that I need to manually add the product. I did so in the AdminCP ->Products & Hooks -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product, Add Product section. Here I just gave the Product id text field the same name as $product variable I used in my class above: 'wpheaderfooter' .
I do have the options -> Products/Hook System enabled (set to yes).
However, I get no output. Thanks so much for your patience in helping me. Hopefully I'm just missing something simple.