I'm not familiar with wordpress, so I don't really know what
wpHeader() is doing.
If it is just returning the header html like so:
PHP Code:
return $wordpress_html_string;
then you need to alter the extension's code a bit like this:
PHP Code:
public function wpHeader(){
define('ROOT_DIR',str_replace('\\\\', '/', realpath(dirname(__FILE__))).'/'); #Get real path for root dir ---linux and windows
require_once(ROOT_DIR.'../beta/wp-blog-header.php'); // get WordPress
return get_header();
(now the function returns the value)
and then in your template you do something like this:
{vb:data wp_header_html_string, wpHeaderFooter_Api_Options, wpHeader}
{vb:raw wp_header_html_string}
the first line just assigns the data and the second ones echos it
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