Hello guys,
Here is my feedback running vBulletin 4.2.0 Patch Level 3
Today I received a phone call of a moderator of mine saying that the forum was hacked.
Immediately I logged as admin and turn the forum off.
I have vBa CMPS installed in the root of the forum and the index is working fine, only when we go to forum.php is redirecting to this page:
Showing a Brazilian message:
Desculpe o transtorno estamos invadindo seu site
Sabe por que? porque eu quis.
The source code of that page is:
I have found this in my forumhome template:
I also have found a new admin in the administrators group:
ID: 136733
username: polter
join and last activity date: 11-09-2013
Does someone know exactly what the hacker changed?
Until now only found:
1- a new admin (already deleted)
2- forumhome templatechanged (already reverted)
I already
deleted the install folder also like Wayne Luke said here:
Just a quick note. I saw the logs on
And found what he did:
So, If I am right, he only modified template files right?
Is possible to know if was only forumhome or more?
UPDATE: I have checked all template files one by one in the
Last edited information and the only template file that was edit by the hacker was
FORUMHOME in all templates that I have installed.
It says: Last edited September 11 2013 at 05:51 by polter
UPDATE2: I notice a new template file that was edit today (the day that my vb was hacked) and the file was
It says: Last edited September 11 2013 at 05:49 by
Note that don't appear the username, but the file was edit today and 2 minutes before he change FORUMHOME
My bbcode_video file code:
UPDATE3: Just cant find the template file that he inserted on style 2 (default):
I saw the files one by one and cant find the today date...
Anymore changes that anyone have notice?