Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
When you say they restored a web backup do you mean they had a full database(1)
AND filesystem(2) backup and restored both(3)?
Host had a full database and filesystem backup, and (as I understand) restored filesystem, when I asked if new data entered between the last good backup (3 days prior) and restore could be salvaged. Host's reply was
We can restore the web files without restoring the mysql databases. If that's okay with you, just let us know and we'll start on that.
Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
Was the version you were running at the time of the hacking in fact 4.2.1? If you were lets say for example running 4.2.0 and then overwrote those files with 4.2.1 files without running the upgrade script then issues can occur and if that is the case simply run the upgrade script to resolve (and on that note, when you uploaded those 4.2.1 files you did delete the /install/ folder before uploading the contents of the .zip correct? See where I'm headed with this  ).
I see, and we were running 4.1.x, patch level 3), but the upgrade instructions said different:
After an upgrade or installation, it is important that you delete the /install/ folder. This is necessary to provide proper security to your installation.
I'm understanding that the install.php prompts the upgrade script, correct? The instructions with the download said:
1. Close your board via the Admin Control Panel.
2. Delete install/install.php from your upload directory
3. Upload all remaining files from the 'upload/' folder in the zip.
Since the site is inaccessible via browser, I followed these instructions:
http://www.vbulletin.com/vbcms/conte...to-vBulletin-4 and transferred files via FTP. (To complicate it more, the FTP manager showed I was in the web root directory, but it turns out my ftp account directs the files to "my" folder, so they were moved by host.) I obviously blew it somewhere...so how do I fix it now? Is it smarter to simply do another db restore (and can that be done without losing the interim data), then redo the upgrade?