Originally Posted by DemOnstar
Correction, the new post thread button shouldn't be visible to unregistered users.
How to change this thanks.
ACP --> Plugins & Products --> Plugin Manager search for the following,
AMP New Thread Button in Showthread
Then click on
Edit, and replace the code in the field,
Plugin PHP Code with the following:
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread' AND $show['member']){
$sessionurl = $session['sessionurl'];
$forumid = $GLOBALS['forumid'];
$post_phrase = $vbphrase['post_new_thread'];
$new_thread_link = '<div><a href="newthread.php?'.$sessionurl.'do=newthread&f='.$forumid.'" rel="nofollow" class="newcontent_textcontrol" id="newthreadlink_top" style="margin-left:10px;"><span>+</span> '.$post_phrase.'</a></div>';
$find = '<div id="pagination_top"';
$replace = $new_thread_link.$find;
$vbulletin->templatecache['SHOWTHREAD'] = str_replace($find, $replace, $vbulletin->templatecache['SHOWTHREAD']);
$new_thread_link = '<div style="padding-left:145px"><a href="newthread.php?'.$sessionurl.'do=newthread&f='.$forumid.'" rel="nofollow" class="newcontent_textcontrol" id="newthreadlink_bottom" style="margin-left:10px;"><span>+</span> '.$post_phrase.'</a></div>';
$find = '<div id="pagination_bottom"';
$replace = $new_thread_link.$find;
$vbulletin->templatecache['SHOWTHREAD'] = str_replace($find, $replace, $vbulletin->templatecache['SHOWTHREAD']);
This will make the button only show for members.
If I get some time, I may re make a mod similar to this, but I would add where you could choose which usergroups could see the mod, it would be a option for you to select them.