Well, if i can explain this right, great! (yes i haev posted this in the MySQL forums on vbulletin.com as well)
Here is the idea that i would like to do.:
(my post from VB.com)
- Hello,
I know nothing of MySQL (but we have 3 developers who know MySQL, but nothing of VB), but want to know if something is at all possible, if so, how difficult it maybe.
Okay, my work, www.truepoker.com, runs tournaments through out the day.
The information is recorded, and then placed into a MySQL database in various tables.
What i wanted to do, was on our forum, have a section, Perhaps called Tournament Results, and have either Daily or even hourly, the tournaments records from our database sent to the VB MySQL database, and 'create' its own posts.
So example
Everyday at lets say 12am, you could log into our forum, go to Tournament results, and TADDA, their is the results posted for that day, done automatically by the MySQL, or whatever may be involved.
Basically an automated posting system that would take date from one MySQL database, and pull it into the VB mySQL database, and make a new thread once the info is in the Vb database.
Now the databases are on seprate servers.
SO! is this possible?
Now, i was curious, if we are able to get one MySQL to send info to another MySQL database, what PHP hacking could, or would need to be done, in order for VB to realize new info has been accepted into it's Database, and automatically make a new post?
Any info, or steps towards this would be kew, or if any pro hackers want a new challenge, this could possible involve $$$
We have 3 guys here who know MySQL, but don't don't vb for crap.
All info appreciated!