Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
Question though... what if its a 504 Gateway timeout, not from your host but for example if they are trying to link to an image that does not exist on imageshack or similar... does the clear.gif still replace properly then? Or does the gateway timeout hinder that from happening and produce these database errors?
Basically it's not his server ultimately timing out... it is but it isn't if that makes sense, due to the fact its trying to get an image from a server where the image does not exist then timing out.
Yes, if the local server has not died by then. And if it has died, it would repeat querying. With CURL, things are slightly better, since it is possible to tune the timeouts in the options.
If database errors occur, the the db server has died before the web service, and this should never happen. In fact, in production sites the database timeout is one day, because then the connection will drop when the web server drops the page, and at no moment earlier.