I agree with you to a certain extent.
I am one of the lucky ones that don't have to count every penny I spend, bu I'll be damned if I'll let someone rip me off with some third rate hack or something lame as hell. I program PHP for a living, and while I might not be a guru or anything like that, I do feel that I have enought experience to call a hack for crap when I see it. Granted, most of my professional work can not be compared to vB-code, as my daily tasks are mostly on a completely different level that this.
But still - crap is crap - and asking money for some simple stuff like creating a table, manipulating this and making sime templates to make it's appearance easy to modify, just pises me off. You-Know-Who, come back when you get hair on your genitalias, and you have enough common sence to not bash and assfsck peeps who are only critizising what they consider poor work from a genious.