Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac
Thanks I appreciate all support.
I tried this and my ip remains the same. Is this only for certain carriers?
Thanks for the feedback, all is appreciated. 
Usually it's the case that when you disconnect your mobile device and reconnect, you may get a new IP. It's not really so much a feature of turning on and off airplane mode as it is turning off and on your smartphone, but airplane mode works the same I guess. I would assume the longer you have it on airplane mode, the more likely you will get a new IP once it is turned on.
In any case, I have a new feature request, if possible: blocking entire country IP ranges, and a white-list for that, since I intend to ban various MENA countries from accessing my forum, and white-list the MENA-members I already have on my forum. I can do this via htaccess but it's a pain in the ass, it would be easier to just do it via a plugin.