Originally Posted by gsmlover4u
sir it import images in images folder but after import 8 folder its giving this database error
but before it was working fine
is there problem in link ? cause image is removed from link
If the server dies while importing images, it should have imported already the image and saving the new Url should be really the last step. The only sotuation where I may immagine problem with this, is where a database server dies while saving the data, and this happens typically with overloaded shared hosting.
If it was working fine before, please check with your hosting the changes which were made in the mean time to the system, nothing happens for no reason, never.
And, if an image is removed in the instance where an image is downloaded and saved to your server, it may become incomplete. GIF images would show then cut in half, I don't know about others.
And, in any case all of these problems have nothing to do with this plugin. these are server issues, some of which need good systemists to fix (db issues).