Originally Posted by nhawk
I don't know how you're getting special characters in salt. Salt is limited to ascii 33 to 126. None of those are control or special characters.
Now if you're getting special characters in your hash, that's a problem with your hash coding. Not with salt.
I changed the salt but the problem I run into now, is the md5 formula before yields a different value in MySQL as compared to PHP. I am grabing the salt from $res[0]['salt'] and password from $_POST['[pass']) and using md5(md5($rawpassword).$salt) but this yields a different result than the MySQL version done in VB. Basically, what I want to do is set up a subsidiary site to log in with vb credentials (not sharing session data though).
EDIT: I figured out the problem. When user salt contains nonconventional characters (see nhawk's post), MD5 produces different results between php and MySQL.