My point in writing the initial post was to try to educate those that are requesting paid work. I thought if the developers around here posted their thinking it might help adjust peoples real world expectations and they would be happier. This was on my mind because last week I tried to help a gentleman who was trying to accomplish a list of things. I explained that he should probably break up his project list and only tackle a single project at a time. I suggested he post what code he had and that there were quite a few of us that like to help others at this level. Well he decided to get a little excited about the issue. I believe he was really just looking for a handout -- I could be wrong, but I haven't seen a new post from him since then. I do see a little social engineering around here, there are a few members that have learned to prey on some of the good natured members around here. -- It is not my place to judge, only my opinion.
@nhawk, I think the original post said 30-40 British pounds. So I just based it off the exchange rates. Maybe I was wrong about the British pound, I posted late at night.
Great replies everyone