Originally Posted by bzcomputers
This sounds about right. The latest news you can search on is Google is actually paying Adblock Plus to show some of their ads. Certainly would be more monetarily beneficial to Google if everyone used an add-on like this.
There are a couple issues in the CSS of this addon (v.0.3.2):
Need some quotes around the div id. This is currently stopping the new opacity change from working.
('<div id="stickymsg">
and the <strong> is not working correctly, I just went with a span style:
[s]<strong>[/s]<span style="font-weight:bold;">Adblock Plus</span>[s]</strong>[/s]
Also setting the cookie for 365 days seems excessively long. If someone is going to install this add-on they don't want users using an adblocker. If I understand it correctly once the first warning is closed a cookie is set, and with the current coding it appears the warning will not come up again for 365 days (or until the cookie is cleared). This may be something that should eventually be an option the user can adjust but until then maybe something like 7-14 days would be a better number.
Edit: This also does not work in the CMS section. (same as your TOR Alert)
Yea I had the opacity fixed in tor alert, but haven't gotten around to fixing it in Adblock alert yet. I'm a one man army here haha. I will have to find a different hook to latch into for the CMS. <b> would also work too, but I believe <strong> was retired in newer versions of html, so that is why I believe it does not work. I will replace in future versions. That shouldn't be a problem. I'll actually probably pull some features from Proxy Alert aka Tor Alert into Adblock Alert. I'll also see about adding an option to change the days the cookie stays for those who are looking for a lesser persistent option. Also below you will see attached a screenshot where Google states that this modification is golden in their eyes.