Originally Posted by RickyH
Try creating another div inside the header, one floating left one floating right and put the background image as the images u want to use. You will need to set a height and width as there is no content for the background image to span across. Also you may want to try fiddling with the margins, padding and borders etc.
Just like the other similar thread and I just posted info there, follow the same guide:
Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
Add in additional.css:
#customwrapper {
width: 100%;
height: 255px;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
#wrapleft {
width: 300px;
height: 250px;
float: left;
#wrapright {
width: 300px;
height: 250px;
float: right;
Add in the actual template:
<div id="customwrapper">
<div id="wrapleft">verse code</div>
<div id="wrapright">shoutbox code</div>
- Make sure the area is over 600px wide, otherwise if shorter in width they will stack therefor you only adjust width and height values of wrapleft and wrapright accordingly.
- ONLY change the height of customwrapper DO NOT change the width as it's a "wrapper" per say.
- Adding in any form of padding code i.e. padding:5px or similar may result in size changes.
- I usually have any type of wrapper (.customwrapper) just a tad bit larger, you can change the height and might be able to remove it entirely though, test this.
For yours it would be this:
<div id="customwrapper">
<div id="wrapleft"><a name="top" target="_blank" href="xxx" class="logo-image"><img src="xxx/forums/images/misc-custom/header_logo_right.gif" alt="CHUM Social Div Club - Houston Texas SCUBA diving" /></a></div>
<div id="wrapright"><a name="top" target="_blank" href="xxx" class="logo-image"><img src="xxx/forums/images/misc-custom/header_logo_left.gif" alt="CHUM Social Div Club - Houston Texas SCUBA diving" /></a></div>
Adjust width/height accordingly but you basically are trying to do this in a sense: