Change the height here:
HTML Code:
#cat56 .forumhead + .childforum .L2:first-child .forumrow, #cat51 .forumhead + .L2 .forumrow {
border-top: 0 none;
height: 100px;
I'd suggest 170px or so. Also add it to here (should be the same height you used above):
HTML Code:
#cat56 .forumbit_nopost .forumbit_nopost .forumrow, .forumbit_post .forumrow {
height: 170px;}
Then add something like:
HTML Code:
#cat56 .forumbit_post .forumlastpost .lastposttitle {
padding-left: 10px;}
That should help out a bit. It will still need some tweaking, but that should help.