Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
Im no whizz at database queries at all, however i do know that when you get a string in a query you have to escape that at the end of the query.
If you are to write from another program to vbulletin i believe you have to clean the input variable. Here's an example of where a variable is cleaned:
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'postid', TYPE_INT);
$postid = $vbulletin->GPC['postid'];
and then can be used like this
PHP Code:
$vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post SET mycolumnid = 0 WHERE postid = $postid");
That may be more confusing to you than help, hopefully KH99 (aka Kevin) will visit visit thread and help you out, i can only manage the simple stuff with db queries 
I'm decent with queries but mostly mysql_query's which are deprecated so no use there and PDO which I'll probably use
I was asking and wondering if vbulletin set up custom functions for there queries looks like they did but yeah I'd still like more input from KH99 thank you by the way