I would like to make a few changes to the user profile page in my forum,
www.chattive.com, and I need your assistance please.
The changes are as follows:
1. Take only the friends activity part of "My Activity" tab, and place it in a different URL (
www.chattive.com/friends.php for example). That URL will be in the userbar for each user, displaying his (and only his) friends' activity. I know this is possible, I saw it in another forum, but I don't know which template to edit and what code to copy and paste on the new page.
2. Make the Avatar be shown instead of a profile picture (but in the same size as the profile picture) and only there, not in the avatar field lower which I want to completely remove form the profile page. The avatar should of course be seen in all posts too. That makes it only one picture available for a user, shown only once (and in a big size) in his profile page and in all of his posts. In fact, this is exactly the same as VB5.
Now for the AdminCP... My forum is very likely to have at some point administrators that I do not know personally. I am aware of the risks, but there will be uncompromising filtrers. This is a part of the concept and I know it works. Still, I would like to have some protection and limitations and for that I need your help.
The admins will be able to admin users, and I wish to revoke their option of editing passwords. I know it can be done by making the password field not visible for them.
In addition, I need them to be able to access "Access Masks", but not the whole usergroup permissions thing, I don't want them to be able to change permissions, no matter the usergroup, only access masks.
Preferably, if possible I wish to revoke their option to delete users and to make other users administrators.
I tried doing this by creating a separate, customized ACP in a different URL (not /index.php, as described in this
guide), but unfortunately I am not familiar with PHP and I couldn't make it work, so I'm asking here.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!