Unusualy high number of post views
My small site usually gets 20-30 genueine views a day, pretty much the same public (students of Japanese).
Plus about 50 touches by google, msn and baidu bots.
Monitoring who is online, there is no significant variation: 15-20 users, guests and bots, hardly ever more.
Since around August 1. number of views (for the flagship thread, not all content) started going up by 1000s a day, without anyone visibly logged in, not even as guests.
Earlier on, I noticed that numebr of views per thread goes with number of pages it visited: for example, 10 pages, 10 posts each, if someone goes front to back, that increases the counter by 10. Even that can't go in thousands a day.
Anyone seen that?
How would FaceBook guests, following a link on FB access? Stealth or shown as guests and counted?